Perupa: Nashar

Gesyada Annisa Namora Siregar
2018 JSRW (Jurnal Senirupa Warna)  
Non-preconception, non-academic technique, and non-academic esthetic are the three concepts presented by Nashar, one of the Indonesian fine arts artists and thinkers, in 1970s. This article is a summary covering the process of understanding Nashar's journey to find his Three-Non, the influence of a friend cum teachers, Oesman Effendi and Affandi in his attitude to his painting career, what he meant with his Three-Non, and lastly, to see how the Three-Non was operated by Nashar in his works.
doi:10.36806/jsrw.v5i1.3 fatcat:t2kynurhqfcn5mdhoezqz74x7e