Assoc Assoc, Assoc Assoc, K Alieva, K Alieva, K Alieva, K Alieva, Assoc Assoc, Assoc Assoc, J Ak, J Ak, J Ak, J Akmatova Matova (+1 others)
The irrigation of extracted oil is being subjected to the considerable rise as the deposit locations exploration term increases. This is especially noticeable on the JSU «Kyrgyzneft" ( a water content in oil goods corresponds to the International standards and does not exceed 1%). In the system of extraction, collection, initial preparation and production transportation the oil separation is carried out, by this the technological equipment is subjected to the corrosion destruction due to high
more » ... neralization (about 2% of salts) and dissolved corrosion-aggressive gases, so the active НS -1 , S -2 and C0 -2 3 ions are contained together with chloride-ions. It should be noted that the aggressivity of hydrogen sulfide is stipulated not by the common corrosion, but first of all by the Hydrogen pick up and the metal fragility, because HS is a promoter of hydrogen reduction. FEN BİLİMLERİ DERGİSİ 15 In conditions of water deficit the sewage are repeatedly used after long settle and filtration from mechanic admixtures. The other peculiarity of transporting production is the emulsion stability as a result of irrigation, hydrodynamic regime and mechanic admixtures, which stabilize the oil-water system. The JSU uses the oil-soluble deemulsifier D4411 -the blockcopolymer of polyethyleneglicole with molecular weight 2500 -3000 -and in the last time -Progalit for separation. The deemulsified action of reagents was studied, but there isn't any unambiguousity in their using, because the verification of their technological peculiarities details are necessary. It is well-known that even small change of viscosity and specific weight of liquid, transported in the pipeline may lead to increase of oil extraction energocapacity as a result of hydrodynamic resistance increase. The polyfunctionality of deemulsifiers and especially their antagonism to other reagents of technological cycle, particularly to the metal corrosion inhibitors is of great interest. It is known that inhibition as a protection method in oil industry is the most effective and this method's dignity is in possibility of its use without changes in existing technology. The most of using inhibitors are the industrial waste, which are a mixture with one or more active components their composition and properties depending on obtaining way and basic product raw material quality. A universal inhibitor IFHANGAS [1.] takes the special place among the inhibitors, as it stops the corrosion and prevents steel Hydrogen pick up in hydrogen sulfide containing media at the same time possessing with high technologicality. The mechanism of its protection action is investigated sufficiently completely, but the joint use with deemulsifier -the antagonism or synergism-is not studied enough both by separation and inhibition. The corrosion action of reagents is estimated by the known [2] method of corrosion rate defining (g/m 2^) and the penetration value (mm/year) of steel plated specimens (St.3) in a model medium (1% solution of NaCI). The electrochemical researches were carried out on the potentiostate P5827M according to [3] in the presence of inhibitors IFHANGAS and deemulsifiers (in 0,25 ; 50 ; 75 ; 100 mg/1 concentrations). The deemulgating ability was determined according to [4]. Deemulgators D4411 and Progalit were proposed for researches by the JSU «Kyrgysneft» (they have got a quality certificate of state-marker) ; IFHANGAS inhibitors corresponds to the standard ; NaCI of «Ch.P.» mark was used in experiment. The physico-chemical properties of model medium in the presence of reagents were previously studied. It was established , that medium pH changes inconsiderably and remains within limits 5,4-5,85 ; the specific weight increases ÒÀÁÈÃÈÉ ÈËÈÌÄÅÐ AEÓÐÍÀËÛ 16 from 0,9971 (background NaCl) till l,0027g/sm 3 (in the presence of Progalit and IFHANGAS) ; the medium viscosity remains constant one (0,9039-0,9098 santipuases) ; the medium electroconductivity changes also inconsiderably . As it is shown in the table 1 , the most rapid settle aqueous phase is carrying out in 1800 seconds in the presence of 50 mg/1 of deemulsifier D4411, the volume of separated water is five times more than at natural settle (compare 49 and 182,6 ml). Table. 1. The D4411 (50 mg/1) deemulsifier and IFHANGAS inhibitor (50 mg/1) influence on oil-water emulsion destruction. The solution volume -220 ml (ρ = l,0027 g/sm 3 ), oil's amount -20 g, emulgation time -900 sec at ω = 60 rot/min, Т = 293 ±2 °К. The IFHANGAS inhibitor use does not practically change the D4411 deemulgation rate: the inhibitor only slightly increases (for 30%) the natural ( 23%) water separation from oil its joint presence with D4411 is not accompanied by IFHANGAS antagonism to oil separation process . Unlike to D4411 Progalit pocesses much higher deemulsifying effect: at 30 mg/1 content (almost in 2 times less than D4411) the complete -157,0 ml or 99,%-separation of aqueous phase takes place in 300 sec as disolvan separates on 82,8% only in 1800 sec . The IFHANGAS inhibitors use (30 mg/1) at joint content with Progalit doesn't influence on deemulsifying process of oil-water system. Water volume -157,0 ml -The volume of separated water Background -Nad