Physiochemical, Nutritional and Technological Properties of Instant Porridge Supplemented with Mung Bean

Saad A. Mahgoub, Amera T. Mohammed, El-A. Mobarak
2020 Food and Nutrition Sciences  
The present study was undertaken to prepare instant porridge from some useful and available ingredients such as bulgur powder, potato, tomato, carrot, mung bean (unsoaked, soaked and germinated), then seasoned with onion, garlic, salt, black pepper, cumin and coriander to make B1, B2 and B3 formulas. Chemical, physical properties, amino acids and sensory evaluation of instant porridge formulas were determined. The data showed that B2 formula which contained soaked mung bean had the highest
more » ... ies value, total essential amino acids, biological value and water absorption index (WAI) compared to the other formulas, also it is recorded the highest degree of lightness L* values (82.39 and 56.65), least redness a* values (0.98 and 1.45) and intermediate in yellowness b* values (25.91 and 24.45) before and after rehydrated, respectively. Regarding to sensory evaluation, there was a significant increase in color, taste and overall acceptability in B2 compared to the other formulas. Based on these results, revealed that the soaked mung bean was a good source of essential amino acid and calories to enhance nutritional and technological quality of the resultant porridge.
doi:10.4236/fns.2020.1112076 fatcat:txzx4ccgknamrio6mnup7ofwcy