Particle animation and rendering using data parallel computation

Karl Sims
1990 Computer graphics  
Techniques are presented that are used to animate and render particle systems with the Connection Machine CM-2, a data parallel supercomputer. A particle behavior language provides an animator with levels of control from kinematic spllne motions to physically based simulations. A parallel particle rendering system allows particles of different shapes, sizes, colors and transparencies to be rendered with antiallasing, hidden surfaces, and motion-blur. One virtual processor is assigned to each
more » ... mitive data element: one to each particle, and during the rendering process, one to each pixeLsized particle fragment, and to each pixel. These tools are used to model dynamic phenomena such as wind, snow, water, and fire.
doi:10.1145/97880.97923 fatcat:x4pa573ib5htnacpsbc5u7swnm