Surface Oxidation of Al-Si Alloys at Elevated Temperatures

Adelina Miteva, Anna Petrova, Georgi Stefanov
2021 Applied Engineering Letters Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences  
Characteristic of the samples based on Al-Si alloys, that we have studied, is their propensity for oxidation at high temperatures. The few number of papers on the oxidation kinetics of aluminium alloys associated with Planar Flow Casting technology (PFC) can be found in the literature. The oxide processes and the properties of the oxide layer formed on the aluminium alloy are mainly considered. The aim of the present work is the kinetics of oxide layer formation on aluminium alloys to clarify
more » ... ether alloys are suitable for use in space and under specific conditions. The formal kinetics of Nikitin was applied for data processing. The influence of the alloying elements on the formed surface oxide coating is shown.
doi:10.18485/aeletters.2021.6.3.3 fatcat:nlbmywyajvaknbid2adw3qp6um