Overview of ABET Accreditation from the Perspective of Two-Year Programs

April Cheung, Ismail Fidan, Venancio L. Fuentes, Martin Reed
2022 Zenodo  
Measuring the quality of education delivered by higher education institutions is an important indicator in presenting the value of degree-granting units to the external world. Accreditation authorization, known as the review and endorsement procedure of this quality measurement process, is handled by a number of accrediting bodies. In the U.S., ABET, a non-profit, non-governmental body with ISO 9001:2015 certification, is recognized as a leading organization accrediting higher education degree
more » ... rograms in the STEM field worldwide. This paper aims to provide an in-depth overview of ABET accreditation from the perspective of two-year programs.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6529215 fatcat:uqar7aemfvewjd6ql243muhgq4