The Cowichan Leader [Thursday, October 21, 1920]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Dtmcftn city coancO met on Wed* nesday evening of last week. Mayor Pitt and Mr. jamea Greig. city derfc submitted a resort on the annual con* ^mion of the good roads leagne of B.X. and of the Union of B. CMnni* cipalitiea. at both of which they re presented the city. For the report snd their services they received the thanks of the conncit all of whom were present except Alderman Preeoflt. One of the recornmendationa of the «nion was that one cent per head of the popnbtion be donated ^ the
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... ciiMttjr towards a fnnd to as* sist Victoria in its appeal concerning the taxation of church property. This the council approved. The water committee has arranged that Mr. A. G. Dalxell s^l come to 'Duncan and make a preliminary in* vrestigation into the water situation. His daPy fee of which includes all expenses excepting car hire, was considered reasonable. It ia expected he will be here for two or three daya He is carrying out monkipa) work for Ladysmith. Machfaw Otm Sitiiatioa The director of war trophies re ported that be feared he could give no help concerning the machine gun which the district donated and which it is desired to secure as a trophy. He stated that all the machine guns contributed by Canadian units formed part of the British equipment, and they had not been treated as war trophiea There were . several hun dred guns contributed by Canada and none of them have been returned. He had taken op the matter with the British authorities, but so far had received no satisfactory answer. The council mstructed the clerk to writq to Major W. H. Hayward and request him to endeavour to locate the gun. The Mayor. Alderman Smythe. and ^e clerk were impointed a committee to confer with Mr. H. C Mann, assist ant district engineer, who desires to ascertain to what extent the city is prepared to participate with* the pro-TinciaJ government in the Highways Act whi» comes into force on Janu ary 1st next. New Road Arrancpnem It win he recaffiAMhat this act dU ▼ides the roads into three classifi^ationa The government and the muni cipalities coacemed contribute vary ing piopoctioos of the cost of upkeep. Mr. C. F. Davie was instructed to awearfor the city in the appeal cases of Marsden and Griffin concerning over-proof beer, of A. Griffin concern ing supplying an Indian, and of Harry HMpenny concerning motor speeding. Mr. Davie's communication con cerning his legal relationship to the city and pther proposals was laid over to the next meeting. The mayor and derk were author ized to interview Mr. F. A. McDiarmid concerning the case of A. Mc Kinnon and the city. Mr. McKin non. should have completed his con tract last November and has not done so. The rooms adjacent to the fire hall were rented to Messrs. E. M. Wilkin son and S. Bonsall at the inclusive sum of $10 a month. "FAER^GOLB" Britiah Explorer Describea Wooden of Malay Penioala There are lecturers and lecturers. There is nothing dry as dost about Mr. Carveth Wells. Above aU he knows when to stop. He was cer tainly the most popular nsaa in Dun can Int Wednesday evening. If you do not believe ft. atk uny of the hundreds of children who^eeded no parental control as they hong oh .. ... -COWICHAN LAKE Mr. A. Martinitch, Dnncan. will re place Mr. H. Graham as assistant station agertt here. Their many friends rern'et that Mr. and Mrs. F. Griffin and family are leaving die lake to take up their resi dence in Ladysmith, where Mr. Grif fin has been appointed station agent. Mr. E. McCall. Cowichan Sution. will take his plsce here. There was a fall of snow on the lake on Friday morning. The hills continue to look wintry. Miss P. Rumming. Nanaimo, spent Thanksgiving with her sister. Miss B. Rumming, teacher here. Mr. S. Hammil, Victoria, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. W. F. Grosskleg. at Camp 11. Mr. and «Mrs. S. Alexander spent the week-end in Victoria. Mr. T. Burney and Mr. T. A. Greensmith. from Hemmingsen's Camp. sp«t the week-end with friends at the foot of Che lake.