Electrical plasmon detection in graphene waveguides

Iacopo Torre, Andrea Tomadin, Roman Krahne, Vittorio Pellegrini, Marco Polini
2015 Physical Review B  
We present a simple device architecture that allows all-electrical detection of plasmons in a graphene waveguide. The key principle of our electrical plasmon detection scheme is the non-linear nature of the hydrodynamic equations of motion that describe transport in graphene at room temperature and in a wide range of carrier densities. These non-linearities yield a dc voltage in response to the oscillating field of a propagating plasmon. For illustrative purposes, we calculate the dc voltage
more » ... sing from the propagation of the lowest-energy modes in a fully analytical fashion. Our device architecture for all-electrical plasmon detection paves the way for the integration of graphene plasmonic waveguides in electronic circuits.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.91.081402 fatcat:lzzegfxkuvetbdrk3m4zjw3zqa