Design and fabrication of a 14 T, Nb/sub 3/Sn superconducting racetrack dipole magnet

S.A. Gourlay, P. Bish, S. Caspi, K. Chow, D.R. Dietderich, R. Gupta, R. Hannaford, W. Harnden, H. Higley, A. Lietzke, N. Liggins, A.D. McInturff (+3 others)
2000 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity  
Most accelerator magnets for applications in the field range up to 10 T utilize NbTi superconductyf and a cosine theta coil design. For fields above 10 T, it is necessary to use Nb)Sn or other strain sensitive superconductors land other coil geometries that are more compatible with these materials. This paper describes OUf recent efforts to design a series of racetrack coil magnets that will provide experimental verification of an aJternative magnet design philosophy, with the near-term goal of
more » ... reaching a field level of approximately 14 T. The conductor and fabrication issues relevant to building high field, racetrack dipoles utilizing NbJSn superconductor and a wind and react approach will also be discussed.
doi:10.1109/77.828232 fatcat:bgw5lq3tsrao5flwjlvhc5gftm