Utilization of ICTs in Agricultural Marketing Information Delivery in Charland of Bangladesh

Muhammad Ziaul Hoque, Md. Enamul Haque, Foyez Ahmed Prodhan, Md. Shariful Islam
2021 Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies  
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a significant role in delivering agricultural marketing information to the door-steps of the agrarian community for effectively managing the farming practices and getting maximum profitability. However, the agrarian community in the rural areas, particularly in the Charland areas are yet to exploit this opportunity. Hence, this study was conducted to assess the status of ICT's utilization in receiving agricultural marketing information in a
more » ... lected Charland area of Bangladesh. The study was descriptive and diagnostic type research, conducted through primary data collection from the 120 farmers by a face to face interview technique. Findings revealed that almost 60% of the sampled respondents seek information related to agricultural marketing. Although a significant number of the farmers had access to different ICT tools such as mobile phones, radio, and television, the majority of them depends on peer-group farmers and the union digital center as the key sources of marketing-related information. Nonetheless, 26.58% of ownership farmers utilized ICTs for getting agricultural marketing information. Low access to electricity connection and their interrupted supply, lack of sales and customer delivery center for ICT-based tools in the rural areas, and insufficient training and awareness building initiatives are major challenges for effective utilization of ICTs by the rural Charland farmers.
doi:10.9734/ajess/2021/v14i230350 fatcat:fmbnrik6mndkdlginftfgupve4