Video-stimulated recall in cross-cultural research in education: a case study in Vietnam

Nga Thanh Nguyen, Donna Tangen
2016 International Journal of Research & Method in Education  
This paper examines incorporating video-stimulated recall (VSR) as a data collection technique in cross-cultural research. With VSR, participants are invited to watch video-recordings of particular events that they are involved in; they then recall their thoughts in relation to their observations of their behaviour in relation the event. The research draws on a larger PhD project completed at an Australian university that explored Vietnamese lecturers' beliefs about learner autonomy. In
more » ... ltural research using the VSR technique provided significant challenges including time constraints of participants, misunderstandings of the VSR protocol and the possibility of participants' losing face when reflecting on their teaching episodes. Adaptations to the VSR technique were required to meet the cultural challenges specific to this population, indicating a need for flexibility and awareness of the cultural context for research.
doi:10.1080/1743727x.2016.1160279 fatcat:vb4qmpgmyff27cozc4jjaum5la