Prevenção da doença renal crônica: intervenção na prática assistencial em uma equipe de saúde da família [thesis]

Darlene Suellen Antero Travagim
Objective: to identify priority issues regarding the prevention of chronic kidney disease (CKD); implement an action plan to address the identified problems and assess the actions taken together with research participants. Method: a qualitative approach based on action research, with a primary care health team, in which the nurse is inserted. In data collection, participant observation and semi-structured interviews were used with 11 professionals. Data analysis was done by means of qualitative
more » ... analysis. Results: based on the priority issues listed in the categories: "Theoretical aspects about the prevention of CKD" and "Aspects of care practice about the prevention of CKD", an educational action was planned, implemented and evaluated using two strategies: educational booklet and dialogued lecture. Conclusion: the primary care health team has the potential to act in the prevention of CKD. It is essential to adopt strategies to equip these teams for preventive interventions of CKD.
doi:10.11606/d.22.2012.tde-05112012-162300 fatcat:cbxbpget6neq5paa3rngj6wbmq