The Evaluation of the Village Community Center in Aspects of Universal Design Principles - Focused on 25 Village Community Centers in Hwasoon Province -
농촌 마을회관의 유니버설디자인 적용성 평가 - 전남 화순군 25개 마을회관을 중심으로 -

In-Young Moon, Mi-Hee Kim
2014 Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal  
This study aimed to evaluate how universal design principles are embodied in the village community center. It will provide preliminary data on constructing a physical space of village community center as small community space in agricultural districts. To achieving the purpose in this study, the research conducted inspection using checklist to 25 village community centers at Hwasoon, Jeonnam province. The conclusion of this study is as follows: Living room and kitchen/dining room by supportive
more » ... esign urgently need installation of Western Style furniture and solutions of stair gap by accessible design, and also the evaluation is unsuited on a fire-gas alarm system and prevention of electric shook system on safety-oriented design. Entrance evaluated in principle for insufficient on safety handle by supportive design and spare chair by adaptable design, and also it unsuited on the solutions of door sill by accessible design and non-skid by safety-oriented design. Bathroom is insufficient lever handle and safety grip by supportive design, sink isn't suitable by adaptable design. Outdoor space information legislation staircase ramp installation and horizontal installation of the staircase was not built.
doi:10.14774/jkiid.2014.23.1.162 fatcat:jdnx26dbr5bs5n6fsgwd6smcqy