A Company of Russian Machine Guns at the Battle of Liao-Yang
W. D. Brid
Royal United Services Institution Journal
NOST soldiers are anxiously awaiting the solution of the difficult problem of the best method of employing machine guns in modern warfare, and much has been written and spokcii on this subject. Unfortunately, sufficient war esperieiice is not yet available from mhich to form definite conclusions, f o r from campaigns such as those which have been recently fought in Cuba a d South Africa, where the attendant circumstances differed very widely from those of a European war, none can be drawn. The
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... ussoJapanese War, now raging in the F a r East, is, however, on a different footing. &re the conditions apprpximate to those which would obtain in Europe, and from careful study of the actions of the combatants, valuable lessons should be learnt. To this end, therefore, a translation has been made of the account of the experiences of a company of Russian machine guns, contributed to the Rztskii Inmlid by an officer of the company, and worthy of close consideration. (Note by Editor of the Revue d'drtillerie) :-"Winter has set its iron hand ou the face of Manchuria, and for the moment has put a n end to active operations, the monotony of camp life being hardly relieved from time to time by some thrilling tale of daring raid on the enemy's outposts. Our own camp a t the village of Fou Lin is, however, situated far in rear of the front of the army, a d lies in full view of the tombs of the 3Ianehu Empwors. Here the short minter days pass busily enough, but in the long evenings time liangs heavily on our hands, the difficulty being to find occupation for t,he mind. Papers me read, and read again, full of descriptions of our operations, and one evening, when so engaged, i t struck me that no account had, so far as I was aware, yet been published regarding the actions of machine guns in the present cam- I I NoTE.-A company should conipriso 8 mnchino guns, with n personnel of 95 officers and men, with 66 horses, if the guns nro mounted on carriagcs; if on tripods, with pack transport, of 119 officers and men, with 66 horses.