A Temporal Phase Mutation of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Triazine-Resistant Brassica napus

Jack Dekker, Barbara Westfall
1987 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C - A Journal of Biosciences  
The objectives of this study were to determine if there were variations in triazine-resistant and -susceptible Brassica napus leaf disc chlorophyll fluorescence (LCF) intensity in terms of: age of leaf on the plant and time of day. In growth room and field experiments triazine-susceptible B. napus cv. "Tower", and triazine-resistant B. napus cv. "OAC Triton" were used. Chlorophyll fluorescence intensity measurements were made 30 min after disc removal. In both environments, two periods of
more » ... d photosynthetic efficiency occurred in the diurnal. The times that these periods occurred during the diurnal differed between biotypes. A phase shift in LCF maxima between resistant and susceptible biotypes resulted in two periods, early and late in the light period of the diurnal, of increased LCF in resistant tissue. This differential pattern in LCF is support for the hypothesis that triazine resistance chloroplast alterations could imply an alteration in the temporal organization of chloroplast physiological function.
doi:10.1515/znc-1987-7-805 fatcat:oolcodvzyjdvzc26ooc6nwjmmu