Location Time of Power Quality Disturbances and Noise Using Morphology Gradient and Skeletonization in 3D

I Gusti Ngurah Agung Dwijaya Saputra, Henry Wu, Wenhu Tang
2015 IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series  
AbstractIn power system, there are some disturbances such as, voltage dip, momentary interruption, voltage swell, or oscillatory transients that may result in mal-function or failure in operation of some devices. Knowing the location where the disturbances occur in the system is an essential part in selecting the appropriate method on improving power quality issues in order to get effective and efficient results. One of methods in locating power quality disturbances is using Mathematical
more » ... logy (MM). In this paper, signals with disturbances were filtered using morphology gradient. Top-hat transform is applied for the filtered signal using flat structuring element. The simulation results show that the location of disturbances can be detected accurately. Skeletonization is used to identify the location time of the noises in the system. By plotting the results in 3D, it makes easier to identify the location of disturbances with or without noises from their different color and shape as pattern recognition.
doi:10.12962/j23546026.y2014i1.238 fatcat:ly33x6ywpveepnx636jopledga