Face Detection and Features Extraction

Pritpal Singh
2017 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
In this we are used features extraction method is used for identify object form group of objects. And calculate location and size of human face In which we are detect Eye, nose, mouth. In which we are work on detection of human face in front. In our research we are use Viola Jones algo for detection of facial features Template machining technique basically create a template and identify object with the help of techniques IN which object is compare with classifiers and matched sucessfully.It
more » ... ains feature points which used for describe objects. Working of template machining as follows. 1) In which features of source image is competes. 2) IN which features of image is compare with database images
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2017.9214 fatcat:a4njkneeivhpzicrzlgtrakjvi