A Test-Structure to Efficiently Study Threshold-Voltage Variation in Large MOSFET Arrays

Nigel Drego, Anantha Chandrakasan, Duane Boning
2007 8th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'07)  
A test-structure comprising a dual-slope integrating analog-to-digital converter, auto-zeroing circuitry, digital control logic and a large array of Devices Under Test (DUTs) has been developed to isolate threshold voltage variation.. Threshold-voltage (V T ) isolation is achieved by testing all DUTs in the subthreshold regime where drain-to-source current is an exponential function of V T . Spice simulations show that the structure is at least an order of magnitude more sensitive to V T
more » ... on than to channel length variation. This, in combination with a hierarchical access scheme and leakage control system, allows efficient characterization of V T for ~70,000 NMOS and ~70,000 PMOS devices in a dense 2mm x 2mm DUT array.
doi:10.1109/isqed.2007.24 dblp:conf/isqed/DregoCB07 fatcat:5unmsrnuu5bvjbr63khz67u4xm