A Study on the Factors Affecting the Flight Training Progress for Student Pilots Training Abroad

2022 International Journal of New Developments in Education  
In this paper, we first analyse the flight training progress abroad, and then analyze the reasons that affect the flight training progress. The factors that affect flight training can be attributed to personal factors, meteorological factors, etc. Among them, personal factors are the main factors affecting flight training, including the English proficiency of student pilots, the study of professional theoretical knowledge, flight attitude and psychology, and flight skills. Meteorological
more » ... are mainly weather factors. In addition, factors affecting flight training include the shortage of aircraft and some problems of flight instructors. Finally, in this paper, we study how to speed up the flight training progress of student pilots, and puts forward some valuable suggestions.
doi:10.25236/ijnde.2022.040208 fatcat:625azifzbrdd3n6stv76yov3em