Lesions Associated with Denture Wearing: An Overview

Dr. Soundarya D, Dr. Preethi M, Dr. Shahil Rahaman, Dr. Nirmal Famila Bettie, Dr. Sumati M, Dr. R. Sri Vidhya Devi, Dr. Ponsekar Abraham Anandapandian
2022 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews  
Dental prosthesis have the main goal of rehabilitation of edentulous spaces present in oral cavity. Due to their prolonged use and poor oral hygiene it paves way for inflammatory and traumatic lesions and makes chewing inefficient thereby reduces the nutritional capacity of the patient. These lesions are more common among elderly and immune compromised patients, this article is a review about the oral lesions caused by the long term use of dentures both removable and complete dentures.
doi:10.55248/gengpi.2022.31263 fatcat:lxgchhp6rnggvjzsq3nysgb4ie