Design of Low Voltage D-Flip Flop Using MOS Current Mode Logic (MCML) For High Frequency Applications with EDA Tool

Kiran Kumar Mandrumaka, Dr. Fazal Noorbasha
2017 IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal processing  
This paper presents a new topology to implement MOS current mod logic (MCML) tri-state buffers. In Mos current mode logic (MCML) current section is improves the performance and maintains low power of the circuit. MCML circuits contains true differential operation by which provides the feature of low noise level generation and static power dissipation. So the amount of current drawn from the power supply does not depends on the switching activity. Due to this MOS current mode logic (MCML)
more » ... s have been useful for developing analog and mixed signal IC's. The implementing of MCML D-flip flop and Frequency divider done by using MCML D-latches. The proposed MCML D-latch consumes less power as it makes use of low power tri-state buffers. Which promotes power saving due to reduction in the overall current flow in the proposed D flip flop topology is verified though Cadence GPDK-180nM CMOS technology parameters.
doi:10.9790/4200-0704010914 fatcat:konck2gxeneetfzvy3vz5lmobi