First record of the indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hubner 1813) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for Brazil nut

Flávia Batista Gomes, Cristiane Krug, Jackson Guimarães Tavares
2015 Bioscience Journal  
This is the first record in Brazil of an infestation of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hubner 1813), for Brazil nut. P. interpunctella, is a cosmopolitan microlepidoptera of the family Pyralidae, considered an important insect pest of many different stored products. The record was for Brazil nut stored in bags in Itacoatiara county, Amazonas state.
doi:10.14393/bj-v31n6a2015-29433 fatcat:4f6esjyjr5bzhgbeg5z2qrqobe