REVENCYT and BDTV: Venezuelan initiatives on digital libraries

N. Fabiola Rosales, Marlene Bauste, Fernando Rodríguez, Francisco León
2008 The international information & library review  
Since 2002 in Venezuela, creation of digital libraries has been discussed and promoted in order to diffuse the historical, cultural, audiovisual, and scientificacademic heritage. Projects such as "El Zulia en el Tiempo" and "Luces de Bolívar" treat cultural and historical matters, "Artistas Populares del Estado Sucre" works on audiovisual legacy, and for the scientific-academic areas, the index "SciELO-Venezuela", both, the index and the digital library of "Revistas Venezolanas de Ciencia y
more » ... ología (REVENCYT)", and the Digital Library of Venezuelan Theses (BDTV). This article will focus in the last two mentioned projects of the scientific_academic area, in one hand, for being the first to be completed with the participation of research and academic institutions, and in the other hand, for offering the greater amount of contents. REVENCYT has approximately of 8.776 full text articles and the BDTV has approximately 22.240 thesis and undergraduate and graduate projects from eight (8) national universities.
doi:10.1080/10572317.2008.10762780 fatcat:jdg6uqbl2jaxrd7ezqfghotm44