System Functionalities of Its for BRT

Cledson Akio Sakurai, Caio Fernando Fontana, Barbara De Carvalho Negrão, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
2022 International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics & Computer Science  
The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) is a public transport system with quality service and low cost that is being used in Brazil on a large scale. The quality of service is achieved through an efficient automation system, this system called ITS (Intelligent Transportation System), which allows control over the operating activities and maintenance of the BRT, but system complexity brings the difficulty in defining the necessary equipment and systems. In this context, the article brings to discussion the
more » ... unctionality of the equipment and systems that allow this warranty service in order to standardize for the BRT actors to understand each of these equipment and systems and achieve the best outcome for the operation of the BRT.
doi:10.37394/232028.2022.2.4 fatcat:2van3p6qffh5bgyilddahzw2hy