The analysis of nature preservation scientific researches on geographical faculty Lvov national university at the end of the XX–beginning of the XXI c
Аналіз природоохоронних наукових досліджень на географічному факультеті Львівського університету наприкінці ХХ-на початку ХХІ ст.

M. Nazaruk
2014 Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography  
The main aspects and directions of preservation school on the geographical faculty during the latest 20 years were considered. The subject of nature preservation researches were characterized. It was noticed the main aspects of activity of scientists of geographical faculty of Lviv National University. The publications of nature preservation literature were analyzed, the main directions of dissertation researches on the faculty were noticed. Key words: nature preservations scientific
more » ... department of geography Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
doi:10.30970/vgg.2014.45.1149 fatcat:pglfxjk3nrekzc2tqm2lhp57ly