FAST.Farm load validation for single wake situations at alpha ventus [post]

Matthias Kretschmer, Jason Jonkman, Vasilis Pettas, Po Wen Cheng
2021 unpublished
Abstract. The main objective of the presented work is the validation of the simulation tool FAST.Farm for the calculation of power and structural loads in single wake situations; the basis for the validation is the measurement data base of the operating offshore wind farm alpha ventus. The approach is described in detail and covers calibration of the aeroelastic turbine model, transfer of environmental conditions to simulations and comparison between simulations and adequately filtered
more » ... nts. It is shown that FAST.Farm accurately predicts power and structural load distributions over wind direction. Additionally, the frequency response of the structure is investigated and it is calculated by FAST.Farm in good agreement with the measurements. In general, the calculation of fatigue loads is improved with a wake-added turbulence model added to FAST.Farm in the course of this study.
doi:10.5194/wes-2021-37 fatcat:gqwrdbrg5jbi3cy3qgwbt6dzh4