The Organisation of Accelerating Economic Offenses During the Change of Regime

Bence Balassa, Tamás Bezsenyi
2018 Polgári szemle  
In his book titled The Shape of Time. Remarks on the History of Things, George Kubler criticised the nature of chronologically and linearly approached and explained historical concept. He claims that applying biological metaphors to the periodical changes in history results in the adverse consequence that it presumes repetitious life cycles in different eras of the past. Shaping a new criminal method or trick is mutatis mutandis an initial sequence-starter object, just like a painting
more » ... a new, original approach. However, not only the existence of the original work of art is necessary, it must be subject to reliable verification, we cannot always identify the first perpetrator of the given criminal method. Keywords: sociology of time, organised crime, change of regime, financial funding of political party The change of regime, including a political, economic, social and socio-cultural transmission that luckily took place without bloodshed in [1989][1990] in Hungary had its effects on the structure of criminality and on the structure and dynamics of law enforcement as well (Mátyás, 2017) .
doi:10.24307/psz.2018.0421 fatcat:3bupr2xljzeida3zfplgwzvbyy