Exploring various models of hospice care worldwide that can be used and adapted to the context of Qatar: A review of the literature

Aisha Noor Mohammad​ Khan, Jessie Johnson, Asma Al Bulushi
2020 International Journal of Healthcare  
Hospice care is an alternative for those patients who wish to die at home. Most clients who have a terminal illness would rather choose the services provided by healthcare workers who deliver hospice care in the client's home. For some, it is important to have the ability to spend time with friends, family and to die with dignity and respect at their preferable place of death. Qatar has established end of life care services for patients with advanced stages of cancer, however these services are
more » ... delivered on palliative care units housed within the National Center for Cancer Care and Research (NCCCR). Having the ability to provide at home hospice care is a necessity in order to carry out the wish of clients who wish to die at home, fulfil the gap in these facilities, and achieve the goal of Qatar's national health strategy, which is to improve cancer services.Aim: To explore the literature for different models of at-home hospice care worldwide then find a model that can be adapted to the context of Qatar.Methods: A literature review approach was used. Nine scholarly articles were found that focused on and evaluated different at-home hospice models of care worldwide published between 2007 and 2018. Articles were critically appraised using the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool. The data were analysed by categorizing the included articles in a spreadsheet based on study design.Results: The most significant components of at-home models of hospice care were multidimensional care, staff competent in delivering end of life care services, and the ability to provide twenty-four-hour care in the home. These components had a positive impact on providing safe effective end of life care services at home.Conclusions: Taken together, all the necessary components identified in this literature review will go a long way in the successful development of hospice care in Qatar.
doi:10.5430/ijh.v6n2p1 fatcat:ahoyvslqcvhefdobylpemslqoa