Possible Blockchain Solutions According to a Smart City Digitalization Strategy

Ivica Lukić, Kruno Miličević, Mirko Köhler, Davor Vinko
2022 Applied Sciences  
With advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in convergence with blockchain technology, cities have been given the opportunity to improve their services, efficiently use resources, and, thus, become Smart Cities. The main properties of blockchain technology like decentralization, immutability, transparency, consensus, and robustness are qualities needed for Smart City. In this paper, we propose a digitalization strategy for the City of Osijek. Smart City digitalization
more » ... egy aims to solve problems of emerging urbanization, improve administration by reducing energy and water consumption, carbon emissions, pollution, and city waste management. To develop an information system based on blockchain technology, the administration structure and the current state of information systems are analyzed, and new solutions are presented.
doi:10.3390/app12115552 fatcat:4nsl4qfce5c2jpxilj2k4qzgu4