L. R. Hrytsak, O. Yu. Mayorova, M. Z. Prokopiak, N. M. Drobyk
2021 Scientific Issue Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Series: Biology  
Peculiarities of changes in chorology of rare species Gentiana lutea L., Gentiana punctata L., Gentiana acaulis L. in the Ukrainian Carpathians have been analyzed and the reasons which cause fragmentation of these species' populations and destabilization of their habitats have been determined. The existence of 10 natural and 3 introduced populations of G. lutea, 6 partial populations of G. punctata on Chornohora, Svydovets and Marmarosh massifs, as well as 7 partial populations of G. acaulis
more » ... been confirmed. Eight populations of G. lutea disappeared from the flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians. During the 2nd half of the 20th century, G. punctata was extirpated in large open spaces in the mountains of Chornohora, Chyvchyn, and Svydovets. The area of most of the existing populations of G. acaulis decreased to 0.3 ha. The lower boundary of species ranges in altitude direction has shifted to 200-250 m (G. acaulis), 300-350 m (G. punctata), 500 m (G. lutea); the optimum of abiotic conditions of G.lutea and G. punctatа moved from southern slopes to north-western and north-eastern slopes, while populations of G. acaulis on southern slopes localized at altitudes close to the extreme upper limit of their range. The main factors predetermining structural and functional changes in the intrapopulation and spatial organization include the transformation of motley grass groupings into densely turfed secondary cenoses; determination of reserveogenic successions due to decline in mountain animal husbandry and significant increase (from 1-2 % to 90 %) in the projective cover of shrubs in species growth localities; recreation (especially in case of G. acaulis); picking plants for bunches and digging them up.
doi:10.25128/2078-2357.21.3.4 fatcat:fe5zj3hkhbhilkpjud2qv3zokm