The Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, September 9, 1921] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
me SMOKER TO BESTiCEDON SITDM MIGHT j" Alhlftk-nul> Art-M. The season'H first smoker In Jim Fullerton's Athletic Club on Chapel street will be held on Saturday night ■ I a D in There will be alx good boi T"'k houJs between pupils of Mr. Fulerion all are local boys and the fans as..ured that It will be a me-"c of fisticuffs long to be rememlierlourto'* show't'heTr° best "wares to the nuhllc and their large following of Lnporters. all the boys are well and "lnlT matched; there will be
more » ... to heavyweights, and ID be-"ee" times a song or two by local Bonghirri.s. Some of the bouts so far srranced are Johnny Neen tb. Joe jenkinson. two very clever boys, who will give pleniy of action. Battler I)m meeUl»rJenk^n®. two will mnnds will tangle with Alf. Boyd, and a Townseni try c isend 3 I will also IRELAMDMBST IKEDEnNlTE REPLYTO BRITAIN .Must Bute Wh< Is of Bri-Government (tontemplate Hepiu-ntiun from the Kmplrc. London. Sept. 9-Sinn F^n Ire land la called upon to state whether demands on the British Governnt contemplate separation from Great Britain according to th newspapers hero. The text of the reply of the British Cabinet to De V'alera's latest^ote was considered as a demand for a definite reply from the Irish Republican leader and a plain declaration that the writ ing of notes hetwoen Dnhlln and Ixjndon cannot be continued. T1 e opinion Is generally expressed e government had. gone as far as possible. "It Is impossible to say.'* said tbe Dally News, "that the present note asks anything vraatever of Ireland that is not freely conceded by Aus tralia. rangda-. and tbe rullpg major---• 'rlca. This may not be agreement, but It ap-. monstrous to shy It is not a GRAND TRUNK STOCK HOLDERS WARY or APPEALING ixmdon. fb pt. 9-Although press cables from Canada assert an appeal I he I'rlvy Council will be taken against the Judgment of the Grand Trunk Board of arbliration declar ing common and preferred stortc valueless , there is reason to believe stockholders here will heslute about making such an appeal, owing to the expense Involved. It Is not known hero what authord tbe statement I a that smh an appeal will be t are i in til the lly is behind tbe statement from Ca-I appt Stock! olders hci in the n.utter of the decision Is received mall. .Many stockholders here already weary of Judicial proceed-■ balk at ilie suggestion for expense would remit from an appeal mat against local boy pupil, of rhe Athletic Club, Young Neill will '^er e Dally Chronicle says Inthey send to London, Do ^ nd his friends must decide a . Do Val->cide wheis a"", ".no-'erj." ."-."'.t divorced husband shot s,".'.!? ""I wife and lawyer r,". witti a plentiful supply of tobacco, was fljot and klUed and Louis j cixir. and cigarettes are At hand and Meyer, lawyer, fatally wounded on a will be llbcrallv dispensed. I street car today. Charles Mclis, Just Mr Fnllertoii Infornls us that ho I divorced by his wife, was arrested on li feinx to rive a number of these the car charged with the shooting, imoke^uring the winter months Passengers said Wells, sitting two 9 ounce bottle..... 20 ounce bottle..
doi:10.25316/ir-6399 fatcat:br2anjha6bcvtnomnvdxiihmca