Evaluating the Importance of Strategic Human Resources Management in Enterprises

2018 Research Journal of Social Sciences  
A B S T R A C T Strategic human resources management is an approach to decision making on the organization's goals and plans in the form of policies, programs and operations related to employment, recruitment, training, and improvement and management of performance. Studies indicated that strategic management in a knowledge-based economy views human resource as the most important source of competitive advantage for an organization. Human resources strategy has found high position since it has
more » ... ovided a tool for creating competitive advantage and improving the management efficiency. The hypothesis of the close relationship between strategic human resources management and the organization strategy is rooted in contingency management theory. This theory states that human resources management practices are developed based on the form of competitive strategy of the organization. Organizations established high harmony between human resources strategy and organizational activities have showed a better performance than the organizations, where this harmony was low. The role of its using in enterprises is undeniable.
doi:10.22587/rjss.2018.11.1.5 fatcat:itbp7j23jzgwjnzvmfco5v4nzy