Examination of informativeness of diagnoses expressed with multiple-valued logic

Stanisław Duer, Dariusz Bernatowicz, Paweł Wrzesień, Radosław Duer
2018 Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej  
This paper presents the essence of an examination of informativeness in the diagnostic information outputs expressed with multiple-valued logic. The diagnostic test required for the examination was completed on wind turbine equipment. The examination included a constant set of determined diagnostic output values. The DIAG 2 diagnostic system was used for the examination and the diagnostic test. DIAG 2 is a smart diagnostic system capable of any inference k of the set {k = 2, 3, 4}. The
more » ... on results were expressed in an Object State Table, separately for each k-valued logic of inference tested. Keywords: technical diagnostics, diagnostic inference, multiple-valued logic, artificial intelligence
doi:10.5604/01.3001.0012.0992 fatcat:pq7d6wsbxrhnhobmgn2kn32al4