Hugo A. D. do Nascimento, Victor Martin de Oliveira, Luca G. P. Flores Iglesias, Fabrízzio A. A. M. Nunes Soares
2018 Zenodo  
The possibility of integrating virtual actions and objects on the Internet with similar interactions and objects in the physical world may lead artists to create more dynamic and engaging forms of technological art. In the present article, we introduce a piece of work on this direction that makes use and enhances an interactive cube-based art project previously created at the Media Lab / UFG, called C³ Cubes. The new piece of work proposes two linked environments for generating and
more » ... new programming codes for the cubes: one environment is a virtual reality Web system that allows participants to interact with and evaluate virtual versions of the cubes, which codes change through an evolutionary computation process; the other environment consists of a physical installation where people can experience with the actual cubes, automatically updated with the best programming codes generated so far by the system at the Web. In neither case do users explicitly write codes for the cubes. Instead, the codes are changed by the evolutionary computation process using the results of the human assessments. This work explores the potential of guiding an interactive evolutionary system to create new behaviors for real objects, while at the same time seeking to create a more immediate relationship between what is produced in a virtual environment and what can be experienced in a real physical space. A possibilidade de integrar ações e objetos virtuais na Internet com interações e objetos similares no mundo físico pode levar artistas a criar formas mais dinâmicas e envolventes de arte tecnológica. No presente artigo, explorarmos este conceito com a finalidade de usar e ampliar um projeto artístico baseado em cubos interativos desenvolvido pelo Media Lab / UFG, chamado de Cubos C³. Este novo trabalho consiste de dois ambientes conectados para gerar e experimentar novos códigos de programação para os cubos. O primeiro é um sistema de realidade virtual na Web, em que o participantes podem experimentar e avaliar versões virt [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5783587 fatcat:f5zmj3mqw5b6veke47rdj7odnq