Social Dilemma as a Device for Recognition of a Shared Goal: Development of "Consensus Building of Wind Farm Game"

Susumu Ohnuma, Yoko Kitakaji
This study explores the processes required to achieve consensus on controversial issues that involve social dilemmas and developed the "Consensus Building of Wind Farm Game" (WinG). A social dilemma is a conflict between personal profit and public benefits wherein the results of individuals pursuing their own profit means that public benefits decline; thus, ultimately, individuals lose their profit. Shared recognition of a common goal is crucial in resolving social dilemmas; however, in actual
more » ... ractice, developing such a shared recognition is difficult due to conflicts among stakeholders. To help identify effective resolutions to this problem, we examined a case of planning for a wind farm, which often involves controversy, even though many people generally agree to the plan. WinG was developed to simulate the type of conflicts among stakeholders when planning a wind farm. There are five types of players (stakeholders) in WinG and each has a different goal and is provided with different information. All the players are required to maximize their individual goals within the time limit, however at the same time, from the viewpoint of public benefit, an optimal achievement point is hidden in the game that results in the second best outcome for all the players. Through negotiations, bargaining, and debate, the social dynamics of achieving (or failing to achieve) a consensus were observed in WinG. Analysis from 10 games showed that shared recognition of a common goal was related to consensus, while only information sharing was not sufficient.
doi:10.32165/jasag.25.2_107 fatcat:55sixwnpzrhuxdcidt7cbnaipe