Magnesium Metabolism in Erythrocytes of Patients with Chronic Renal Failure and after Renal Transplantation

J. Vormann, T. Günther, B. Perras, P. M. Rob
1994 Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine  
Vormann et al.: Erythrocytc magnesium metabolism in chronic renal failure 901 Eur. Summary: Plasma and erythrocyte Mg 24 " concentrations were found to be increased in 14 haemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure and in 7 chronic renal failure patients receiving chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. The rate of Na+TMg 2 * antiport was significantly higher in haemodialysis patients, but not in chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients (control: 0.15 ± 0.02, haemodialysis: 0.46 ±
more » ... .08, chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: 0.21 ± 0.06; Mg 2 " 1 ", mmol/30 min X l cells). High erythrocyte Mg 2+ content in chronic renal failure results from the increased plasma Mg 2+ , which induces elevated Mg 2 " 1 " uptake during haematopoiesis. An increased rate of Na + /Mg 2+ antiport, which only performs Mg 2+ efflux, leads to a relatively lower erythrocyte Mg 2+ content in haemodialysis patients compared with chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients. The elevated Na + /Mg 24 " antäport in erythrocytes from haemodialysis patients was almost normalised after haemodialysis. Incubation of normal erythrocytes with heat-inactivated plasma from haemodialysis patients led to a doubling of Na + /Mg 2+ antiport, indicating the presence of a heat-stable, dialysable plasma factor. This factor does not accumulate in chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients. After renal transplantation all changed quantities of Mg 24 " metabolism returned to normal.
doi:10.1515/cclm.1994.32.12.901 fatcat:m2opv74osbcvjmha6tcjn6pprm