Mystery client and customer service in modern organization

2015 Nowoczesne Systemy Zarządzania  
Deal with the world as it is, not how you' d like it to be. Jack Welsh Summary: e purpose of this article is to present a marketing research method called a "Mystery Client" as a tool of building customer relationships in the organization. Currently, it is not enough to have service at the excellent level, it is time to create an excellence in the customer experience. One of new instruments to achieve this target is to conduct a mystery shopping method in the organization. is technique can be a
more » ... very useful method to stimuli a change in many elds, especially it is seen in the customer service eld, that will leverage an organization to a higher grade and will allow it to work out a competitive advantage on the market. is method is also introduced to achieve the full satisfaction of buying goods and services by the client.
doi:10.5604/18969380.1159474 fatcat:sqocrbacajetnitud4kcsxkfc4