Ekspresowa Analiza Zagrożenia Agrofagiem: Dothistroma septosporum [report]

Jakub Danielewicz, Katarzyna Sadowska, Magdalena Gawlak, Daria Rzepecka, Tomasz Kałuski
2018 Zenodo  
Dothistroma septosporum (the conidial stage of the fungus Mycosphaerella pini) primarily infects species of the Pinus genus. The disease is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of pine. It causes needle necrosis and premature needle loss, leading to reduced growth and lower yields. In recent years, Dothistroma septosporum has been found in 37 new locations in Poland, demonstrating that the disease has now spread throughout the country. Pinus nigra remains the dominant host species in
more » ... land. However, three new host species of this fungus have been reported, namely P. sylvestris, P. mugo and P. ponderosa. The disease develops under conditions of increased humidity and moderate temperature, however, already low amounts of precipitation can provide favorable conditions for the development of the species Dothistroma septosporum. According to a study the development of the disease is also influenced by the annual weather pattern in a given area. The main control method is spraying with fungicides containing copper oxychloride.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7491363 fatcat:k7cdfiiyjvgrtbzle7ezyr5zkq