Diagnosis and correction of disorders of blood aggregate statesin children with burning injury

R. V. Bocharov, M. N. Bocharova, A. L. Solnyshko, V. V. Udut
2007 Bûlleten' Sibirskoj Mediciny  
To reveal the character and dynamics of changes in the aggregate state of blood in children with burning injury and to choose the correction method, 200 children in burn shock were investigated. Hemostasis abnormalities were studied with aт ARP-01 analyzer (Mednord, Tomsk). A tactics for anticoagulation therapy has been chosen. A positive effect was observed from combination of programmed hypocoagulation and the method of reinfusion of autocellular mass after its antibiotic incubation
doi:10.20538/1682-0363-2007-4-13-16 doaj:5da8b1afa4384698a044ccfc5386efb0 fatcat:27kmmx3k25d6ti2cf3pajcwfvi