تقییم مدى تطبیق الاتصال التسویقى المتکامل وتأثیره على أداء شرکات السیاحة المصریة فئة (أ)

أسماء ماهر على محمد
2020 المجلة الدولیة للتراث والسیاحة والضیافة‎  
0202 222 on performance4 To achieve the objectives of the study, five hypotheses has been tested; (1) There is a statistically significant relationship between the motives of the use of integrated marketing communication and its application within the Egyptian tourism companies category "'A",(2) There is statistically significant relationship between the integrated marketing communication tools and its application within the Egyptian tourism companies category "A", (3) There is a statistically
more » ... ignificant relationship between the integrated marketing communication requirements and its application within the Egyptian tourism companies category "A", (4) There is a statistically significant relationship between the integrated marketing communication challenges and its application within the Egyptian tourism companies category "A", (5) The application of integrated marketing communication has many of the expected positive results relating to the performance of the Egyptian tourism companies category "A". The study was depended on the descriptive analytical approach, a simple random sample method, and the questionnaire to test the study hypotheses of. The sample was 297 companies of the total tourist companies category "A" in Greater Cairo. One of the most important results of this study detects that "Integrated Marketing Communication" is not applied effectively in the Egyptian tourism companies category "A". In order to achieve its effectiveness and positive impact on companies' performance, it must be recognized that integrated marketing communication depends on harmoniously integrating the elements of the promotional mix with the other elements of the marketing mix and managing them efficiently and effectively to send consistent messages to the target audience through the internal communication between different departments and sections of the company and the external communication with customers based on the available customers databases, to identify their wishes, aspirations, expectations and needs and try to meet them.
doi:10.21608/jihtha.2020.99108 fatcat:wvlvgwyjqrdgzbudfai6lspz7i