Development of New Simulator Generating High Frequency Component of Ski Board Vibrations in Actual Skiing

Akira Shionoya, Yuta Shimizu, Yusuke Kenmotsu, Akira Imamura, Hisashi Uchiyama, Rika Kimoto, Yoshitaka Kawada
2015 Procedia Engineering  
The purposes of this study are to develop the new simulator generating high frequency component of a ski board vibration in skiing and to investigate the key factor to influence the ski sliding performance of the ski board. Using this simulator, a coefficient of kinetic friction (μ k ) between the snow and the ski board with the vibration of 0 Hz (no vibration), 263 Hz and 361 Hz were investigated. Furthermore, a field experiment for verifying these experimental results using a simulator was
more » ... ried out in a ski area. From these experiments, a high vibration frequency of the ranges from almost 200 Hz to 400 Hz occurred on a ski board has been thought to be key factor to influence the sliding performance of the ski board.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.07.211 fatcat:kk4cfyfkjnd7la4s7yfwejvwoy