Doped Microcrystalline Silicon Layers for Solar Cells by 13.56MHz Plasma-enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition

Jidong Long, Yunfeng Yin, Shing Yin R. Sian, Zekun Ren, Juan Wang, Premachandran Vayalakkara, Selvaraj Venkataraj, Armin G. Aberle
2012 Energy Procedia  
Doped hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon thin films play a critical role in multi-junction thin-film silicon solar cells, because their crystallinity has a large influence on the properties of intrinsic microcrystalline silicon absorber layers grown on them. The doping efficiency of the doped layers depends strongly on their crystallinity and hence a high-crystallinity doped layer is desired. In this study, highly crystalline doped microcrystalline silicon films are formed on 300 mm × 400 mm
more » ... glass substrates using a conventional parallel-plate PECVD reactor operated at 13.56 MHz. Raman spectroscopy is used to analyse the crystallinity of the films. The conductivity of the films is measured using the co-planar electrode method. The effects of the deposition parameters on the Raman crystallinity and conductivity of the doped films are investigated. The RF power is found to play a key role for achieving a high crystallinity in the doped layers, whereby a high crystallinity can only be obtained within a narrow RF power range. The influence of the RF power on the lateral thickness uniformity of the deposited films is also examined. It is found that the RF power has a strong influence on the lateral uniformity of the deposited films, with intermediate power giving the best thickness uniformity.
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.02.028 fatcat:527rtpo43fcilkxhx37gcafl6i