The Magnetic Properties of Zn0.98Fe0.02O with Additional Cu Doping

Tongqin Chang, Yongqiang Wang
2014 World Journal of Engineering and Technology  
Samples Zn 0.98 Fe 0.02 O doped with additional Cu have been fabricated by a coprecipitation method. It is found that Zn 0.98 Fe 0.02 O without additional doping shows weak ferromagnetism at room temperature. The Cu doping has induced a light increase of magnetization in low temperature of 10 K. This result is consistent with bound magnetic polaron model relative to holes. Keywords Ferromagnetism, Zn 0.98 Fe 0.02 O, Magnetic Field, Magnetization
doi:10.4236/wjet.2014.23019 fatcat:reifzdo7drgy7otrwan7akjvza