The perception of corporate social responsibility and its impact on consumer buying behaviour in the process of globalization

Margareta Nadanyiova, T. Kliestik
2021 SHS Web of Conferences  
Research background: In the current era of globalization, corporate social responsibility has been gaining an increasing attention. By implementation CSR activities into their business strategy, companies can gain positive feedback from stakeholders including consumers and thus new competitive advantage. Creating positive attitude on CSR from the consumers that subsequently can influence their buying behaviour depends on many factors such as how the companies understand and perform their CSR
more » ... tiatives and finally, how they communicate them to stakeholders. Purpose of the article: The main aim of the article is to determine the perception of corporate social responsibility and its impact on consumer buying behaviour in the process of globalization. This includes the literature review on the issue and analysis focused on the perception of corporate social responsibility and its impact on consumer buying behaviour. Methods: General scientific methods were applied for the processing of the data as well as mathematical-statistical methods to evaluate the data collated from the results of the questionnaire survey and to statistical hypothesis testing. The secondary data for the analysis were obtained from scientific researches, statistical tables and professional publications. In order to determine the perception of corporate social responsibility and its impact on consumer buying behaviour, a questionnaire survey was conducted among Slovak consumers. Findings & Value added: Based on analysis and questionnaire survey results, measures for the efficient implementation of corporate social responsibility are proposed, and its benefits are highlighted, such as strengthening the company's image, improving customer relationships, gaining their loyalty and competitive advantage.
doi:10.1051/shsconf/20219206024 fatcat:7rc4dqu7bbcdpku5rqd2nblbmy