Permanganate Treatment of DNAPLs in Reactive Barriers and Source Zone Flooding Schemes [report]

Frank W Schwartz, Hubao Zhang
1999 unpublished
Research Objective: In situ oxidation with potassium permanganate has been widely evaluated, as a potential remediation method for dissolved or pure DNAPL in groundwater system. The goals of this study are (1) to elucidate the basic mechanisms by which potassium permanganate oxidizes common chlorinated solvents, various constituents in aqueous solution, and porousmedium solids, and (2) to assess the potential for chemical oxidation by potassium permanganate to serve as a remedial scheme
more » ... g either source zone flooding or reactive barriers. The study is organized with a laboratory component that looks generally at the basic reaction processes and kinetics, and a theoretical component that is developing modeling tools appropriate for designing systems under field conditions.
doi:10.2172/825772 fatcat:ggrobvvcunck3e5apyvjq76jsq