Religious Publishing and Print Culture in Modern China [book]

Philip Clart, Gregory Adam Scott
 Ding used the style name Chouyin jushi 疇隱居士 (Layman who Cultivates the Concealed), as well as the courtesy name Shouyi zi 守一子 (He who Guards the One). The reprint edition of the Foxue congshu series I consulted is Ding Zhongyou 丁仲祐 [Ding Fubao], Dingshi Foxue congshu 丁氏佛學叢書, collected by Cai Yunchen 蔡運辰 (Taipei: Beihai chuban shiye, 1970). The original pages are marked "Wuxi Dingshi cangban" 無錫丁氏藏版 (Edition in the Collection of Ding from Wuxi). Principle sources on Ding's biography include:
more » ... ng Fubao, Chouyin jushi ziding nianpu 疇隱居士自訂年譜 (1929), in Qingdai minguo cangshujia nianpu 清代民國藏書家年譜, ed. Zhang
doi:10.1515/9781614512981 fatcat:gzbcvfymwrbohcqhn2gn7z4fyy