Towards SOS Meta-Theory for Language-Based Security

MohammadReza Mousavi
2006 Electronical Notes in Theoretical Computer Science  
SOS meta-theory has been very successful in defining meta-theorems using which one can prove useful properties about language constructs. These meta-theorems can save pages of standard proof thanks to their generic and language-independent formulation. Security properties of language constructs look like promising candidates to be turned into SOS meta-theorems and there has already been an attempt in this direction in the context of process calculi security. In this paper, we give an
more » ... account of this issue in the context of language-based security. To do this, we give a superficial overview of information-flow security and in particular, non-interference as a central notion in this field. Then, we point out some interesting links between non-interference and our recent work on notions of bisimulation with data. Finally, some ideas regarding SOS meta-theorems for these notions are presented.
doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2005.12.092 fatcat:7elwhrlctzabnigay5zdpuzxvm