Coagulation Parameters for Ecarin Clotting Assay and Russell Viper Venom Assay on the ClotPro®

Tiong Lee Len, Shirley Tan Siang Ning, Saiful Shakirin Rosli, Choo Chee Wei, Tiong Wen Ni, Yeo Leh Siang, Jawing Chunggat, Alan Fong Yean Yip
2020 Zenodo  
Introduction Ecarin clotting assay (ECA) and Russell Viper Venom Assay (RVV) are established to assess coagulation effects of Factor II inhibitor i.e. Dabigatran and Factor Xa inhibitors i.e. Rivaroxaban and Apixaban; respectively. These assays can be conducted on the ClotPro® , which is a point of care (POC) instrument that uses viscoelastometry principles to measure coagulation effects. Objective To determine the coagulation parameter values for ECA and RVV in Malaysian population and compare
more » ... to the established preliminary reference ranges of ClotPro®. Methodology We recruited healthy volunteers (HV) with ECA and RVV assessment done on the ClotPro® at the Sarawak Heart Center (SHC) between August 2019 to June 2020. The parameters assessed were clotting time (CT) in seconds, clot formation time (CFT) in seconds and maximum clot firmness (MCF) in mm. The parameter values were compared to the preliminary reference ranges (PRR) established on the ClotPro® from 30 blood donors. Results A total of 63 HV were included in the study. Mean age was 25.37 ± 5.24 with a range of 20-46 years old. Discussion The ranges for both ECA and RVV coagulation parameters in our population were wider as compared to the preliminary established reference ranges reported by the manufacturer. The established reference ranges were obtained from Caucasians, which have different physical size, dietary habit, cultural and geographical influences that might affect responses in the coagulation system as compared to Asians. Conclusion As the ECA and RVV coagulation parameter values for our population did not fall into the recommended reference ranges established for the ClotPro® , our study suggested to establish the reference ranges of these parameters specific for our population.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4003853 fatcat:42inhg4c5nafzmvkdekzmx7chm