Cloning and identification of the ASIP gene in Chinese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides procyonoides)

Y.M. Li, S. Si, P.C. Guo, L.L. Li, C.Y. Bai, S.Q. Yan
2015 Genetics and Molecular Research  
The quantity, quality, and distribution of eumelanin and pheomelanin determine a wide variety of coat colors in animals. Three coat color variants exist in farmed wild-type Chinese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides procyonoides), which is an important fur-bearing animal species. The ASIP gene is an important candidate gene for coat color variation in some species. In this study, the complete cDNA sequences of ASIP were amplified from a wild-type Chinese raccoon dog. Sequence analysis
more » ... d the coding region of ASIP in Chinese raccoon dog to be 396-bp in length and two transcripts (accession Nos. KT224450 and KT224451) were identified due to the alternative use of exon 1 (1A and 1C) . However, the alternative splicing pattern and the coding sequence of ASIP in three types of coat color variants were the same as those identified in the wild-type individual. Based on the results obtained in this study, we can exclude a role for alternative splicing of exon 1 and the coding sequence of ASIP in coat color variation in Chinese raccoon dog.
doi:10.4238/2015.december.8.22 pmid:26662425 fatcat:bb2lrraqozgarngjp6bn65ecx4