Impact of global warming on ENSO phase change

W. Cabos Narvaez, F. Alvarez-Garcia, M. J. OrtizBeviá
2006 Advances in Geosciences  
We compare the physical mechanisms involved in the generation and decay of ENSO events in a control (present day conditions) and Scenario (Is92a, IPCC 1996) simulations performed with the coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM ECHAM4-OPYC3. A clustering technique which objectively discriminates common features in the evolution of the Tropical Pacific Heat Content anomalies leading to the peak of ENSO events allows us to group into a few classes the ENSO events occurring in 240 years of data in the
more » ... and scenario runs. In both simulations, the composites of the groups show differences in the generation and development of ENSO. We present the changes in the statistics of the groups and explore the possible mechanisms involved.
doi:10.5194/adgeo-6-103-2006 fatcat:fyrtan2rlbh3pc2blkibahqnum